A gifted and talented student means a student possesses or demonstrates a high level of ability in one or more content areas when compared to his chronological peers in the school district and requires modifications of his educational program to achieve in accordance with his capabilities.
The identification process for gifted and talented students includes multiple measures in order to identify student strengths in various intellectual ability, creativity, or specific academic areas. A student shall not be required to meet all considered measures in order to be identified as gifted and talented. To assure equal access to a continuum of gifted and talented education services the process shall include consideration of all students, including those who are English language learners and those with Individualized Education Plans or 504 plans.
Identification and continuum of services of gifted and talented students at Academy Charter High School is an ongoing process extending from grades 9-12. Students will be nominated for Honors, Advanced Placement courses, in-school Seton Hall classes, or dually enrolled Brookdale Community College off campus courses according to multiple identification criteria.
The multiple identification criteria used when identifying students as gifted and talented include end of year GPA, ELA/Math assessments, and teacher inventories of learning assignments and grades. This is reevaluated at the end of every school year, as students enter the district, and throughout the year based on recommendation. Students may be recommended during the school year and schedules may be adjusted during Fall and Spring blocks as needed.
Students identified as advanced learners in high school may continue services as long as their grades and recommendations continue to meet the criteria.
Formal Board Policy 6171.2 Link: https://academycharterhs.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/6171.2-Gifted-and-Talented.pdf
Course Offerings
Communications H
Advanced Communications H
American Literature H
World Literature 1 H
World Literature 2 H
Algebra 1 H
Geometry H
Algebra 2 H
Math Analysis H
Environmental Science H
Biology H
Chemistry H
Anatomy and Physiology H
US History 1 H
US History 2 H
World Civilizations H
Creative Arts H
Humanities H
Advanced Placement
Computer Science Principles
Outlier – University of Pittsburgh Credit
Introduction to Psychology
Seton Hall Credit – In-House Teacher
Spanish 1
Spanish 2
Heritage Spanish A
Arabic 1
Arabic 2
Core English
Dual-Enrollment Brookdale Community College
Student Choice (BCC entry requirements)
If you have any concerns in regards to our Gifted and Talented program, please contact Klarissa Martin at extension 230.
N.J. Statute 18A:35-38: